It’s time to hand the mic over to your inner Wise Cheerleader and feel what it’s like when you have that voice in your head, following you around all day. I mean, just imagine it. With this voice whispering in your ear the majority of the time, you’d find yourself wanting to fill your days doing the things you enjoy, you’d prioritize your well-being and happiness, you’d be drawn to the people, the work, the activities and the places that make you come alive. You’d surround yourself with people that make you feel loved and respected and move away from the people that don’t. You’d have the courage to speak your truth and make a stand for what you believe in. You’d listen to your dreams and turn them into projects to bring them to life. You’d be coming from a place of love and welcome it into your life.


And, when the pressure is on because work has intensified, you’re on a tight deadline or you’re suddenly having to spin a million and one plates, your inner Wise Cheerleader would have you pull out all the self-care tools that you have to help you stay calm and focused. You’d ask for help, get plenty of rest and keep yourself hydrated and moving. You’d look after yourself really well. Rather than slipping into overdrive and into your burn-out archetype, your inner Wise Cheerleader will have you remain in power, playing to your strengths. You will feel able to meet the challenges of the day with confidence and you will thrive.


Write a letter to yourself from your wise 80-year-old self

To cultivate your own inner Wise Cheerleader you have to practise speaking to yourself with love, kindness and support. One of the most powerful ways to do that is to write letters or messages of love and support to you from you, because no one knows better than you what words you need to hear. And, when you relax, set your mind free and allow the words to just come out on the page, you’ll often find you give yourself some pretty wise advice.

